BMW Oil Change in Portland, OR
BMW Oil Changing Services
Regularly changing the oil in your BMW ensures it runs smoothly, prevents serious mechanical issues, and saves you money in the long term. When you change your car’s oil according to the recommended schedule for BMW oil changes, your car will run at peak performance. Motor oil provides necessary lubrication that facilitates the movement of parts in your engine as they move against each other. Without oil changes, these engine parts will break down, become dirty, get filled with gunk, and operate poorly and unsafely. With just a small, inexpensive car maintenance task, you can maintain the longevity and performance of your car.
At Boyd Motor Werks, our experienced mechanics will fully drain your car’s old oil, clean any parts as necessary, replace the oil filter in your car when needed, and add new BMW engine oil specifically formulated to support the performance and maintenance of your BMW. To schedule an appointment for a BMW oil change in Portland, OR, just call us today.
Types of Oil Recommended for BMW Cars
While other makes and models of cars can handle natural oils, BMWs require synthetic engine oils to ensure they operate properly. Some BMW models actually need different motor oil than others. Synthetic oil is synthesized with chemical compounds during a complex, tightly controlled process that eliminates dangerous contaminants. By contrast, natural oils are refined from crude oils, increasing the risk that they contain contaminants that can affect the way your engine operates. Your BMW dealer, service technician, or your user’s manual should contain a list of oil brands and types safe for use in your specific model.

- Synthetic Oil – Synthetic oil is man-made and created with base oils that are higher quality than conventional, less-refined oils. Synthetic oils are less likely to oxidize and acidify, are more chemically stable, and are harder to break down. This means that they are less likely to lose desired qualities. Synthetic oil also helps the engine run cleaner and provides better engine protection. Synthetic oil can even offer turbocharger protection for smaller engines.
- Conventional Oil – Conventional oil is typically petroleum-based. Petroleum is thicker at low temperatures, and thinner at high temperatures; to counteract this natural property, manufacturers use additives that reduce the oil’s viscosity. Over time, these chemical additives break down or vaporize and the oil returns to its original consistency.
- High Mileage Oil – High mileage oil is created with a blend of natural and synthetic oils as its foundation. Like conventional oil, it also contains additives, including additives that prevent engine deterioration and reduce the risk that deposits will build up on the engine. If you have an older car, high mileage oil can extend the life of your engine and maximize your car’s performance. It can also improve fuel efficiency, slow leaks, and minimize engine wear and tear.
How Often Should You Change the Oil in a BMW?
The BMW owner’s manual recommends that you change your BMW’s oil every 15,000 miles. Most models have a reminder light on the instrument panel that alerts you when it’s time to change your oil. However, changing your oil more frequently can improve performance, reduce wear and tear, limit engine gunk and buildup, and prolong the life of your engine. Some other things to consider when determining when to schedule a BMW oil change include:
- Factors that Affect the Frequency of Oil Changes – Several factors affect the frequency with which you should change the oil in your BMW: the type of oil used, your weather or climate, and the driving conditions you operate in most often. Synthetic oil has a longer lifespan than conventional, and needs to be changed less often. You may need to change your oil more often if you live in a cold climate, as cold temperatures make your oil flow more slowly, which can put more stress on your engine. Driving in extreme temperatures, rough driving habits, and uneven terrain can also impact the life of your oil and how much oil your engine uses. Taking short trips can actually put more pressure on your engine’s oil system and filter.
- BMW-Specific Recommendations for Oil Change Intervals – While BMW recommends that you change your oil every 15,000 miles, the recommended wisdom is that you should have your BMW engine oil changed every 7,500-10,000 miles depending on the factors listed above.
- Importance of Following the Recommended Schedule for Oil Changes – Following the recommended schedule for oil changes and checking your car’s oil and engine status regularly can extend the life of your engine and car. You will also get better fuel mileage, cleaner tailpipe emissions, and improved engine performance with regular BMW oil changes.
Preparing for an Oil Change
Before you try to change your BMW’s oil yourself, you should prepare for the oil change process. Read through these instructions and make sure you have everything you need on hand.
- Tools and Materials Needed for the Oil Change Process – Get the right protective gear and supplies needed to ensure a successful oil change. Wear rubber gloves, have clean towels handy, and consider using an old tarp or shower curtain under the oil pan to protect your driveway or lawn. Let your car’s engine cool down before you start an oil change – if you drove it recently, wait 20-30 minutes. Check your BMW manual’s guidelines for the right type, brand, and weight of engine oil to use. Have a grip on hand in case you have trouble removing your engine filter.
- How to Locate the Oil Filter and Drain Plug on Your BMW – Look beneath your car for a nut plug under the oil pan. This is the drain plug. The oil filter is in the oil fill hole at the top of your engine. You will need to uncap the hole and unscrew the filter. Use new motor oil to moisten the gasket on top of the new filter before installing it.
- Tips for Safely Raising and Supporting Your BMW for an Oil Change – If you need to raise your BMW up slightly to access the drain plug, be sure that you do so safely and correctly. Doing this yourself can be dangerous. Using drive-up ramps can be inconsistent and unreliable. Jack stands can work well if you invest in good, high-quality jacks. Be sure to buy jacks that are rated to hold the entire weight of your car. Don’t use anything other than equipment specifically meant to hold up a car. Park your car on a level surface, use the jack to lift the car by jacking up the front of the car first, place the jack stands, and then jack up the back of the car and place those jack stands. Do not lean on the car or into the engine bay when the car is in the air.
Step-by-Step Guide for Changing the Oil in a BMW
If you decide to change the oil in your BMW yourself, follow these steps to do so properly and safely:
- Drain the Old Oil – Once you have removed the drain plug, drain the oil into the drain pan. Some drain pans, like funnel-top drain pans, fully cover the oil so your chances of spilling it are lessened. Be sure to dispose of your old oil responsibly.
- Replace the Oil Filter – Once you have removed the old oil filter, fill the new one halfway and use some motor oil to moisten the top of the new filter. When it is screwed in, let it dry so the seal properly forms. Leaving a wet oil filter on results in an improper seal.
- Add New Oil – Use a funnel and pour the oil at the proper angle to ensure it gets into the engine, and not on it. Turn the spout so that it is at the top, over the funnel, and pour slowly so that air doesn’t cause the oil to spurt and gurgle.
- Check and Reset the Oil Change Indicator – Use a dipstick to measure the engine’s oil level and ensure it’s at the appropriate level. Check your engine’s oil level again after driving for a few miles.
Schedule an Oil Change for Your BMW in Portland, OR
If your BMW is overdue for an oil change or your car is experiencing mechanical issues as a result of old oil residue, gunk, and contaminants, come see us at Boyd Motor Werks. We will always use the recommended oil type for your BMW to ensure your car runs smoothly and at peak performance. Our BMW maintenance plan guarantees that your oil will be changed at the appropriate intervals for your car’s mechanical performance. If you have questions about BMW maintenance or want to schedule an oil change for your BMW, just call us today or fill out our online contact form to speak with a member of our professional mechanical service team.