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What does the engine warning light mean? Your car’s warning lights give you notice that there is a problem with your car that needs to be addressed. Not all warning lights are emergency lights, but in most cases, it’s best to schedule a diagnostic check-up of your car to determine the cause of the problem. Ignoring your car’s warning lights can result in safety and performance issues, a major breakdown, and costly car repairs. At Boyd Motor Werks, we can run a complete diagnostic work-up of your car to determine the underlying reason that the warning light turned on. Here is our ultimate guide to understanding your car’s warning lights.

Understanding Your Car's Warning Light

The Three Types of Car Warning Lights

Your car’s warning lights fall into three different categories: red, yellow, and green. Let’s take a look at what these categories mean when you see an icon lit up on your car’s dashboard or control panel:

  • Red Warning Lights – Red warning lights are emergency warning lights. They indicate a major or serious problem with that element of the car and warn you that you could experience a safety or performance issue if you keep driving. If you see a red warning light, you should stop driving as soon as possible and visit a trusted automotive repair shop.
  • Yellow Warning Lights – Yellow or amber warning lights mean that you need to take action or schedule maintenance for that element of the car. They don’t indicate an emergency situation but offer early warning of a problem that could become an emergency if ignored.
  • Green Warning Lights – Green warning lights are informational. They indicate that a setting is turned on or in use.

Most Common Car Warning Lights & Their Meanings

Your car has so many different icons, lights, buttons, and settings that it can be hard to keep track of all of them. However, it’s important to understand the most common car warning lights and their meanings to protect your car from damage and avoid safety problems and hazards. These are the most common warning lights and their meanings:

  • Airbags – The airbag warning light usually turns on when you first start your car and then turns off when you begin driving. If the icon stays illuminated, it tells you there is a problem with your car’s airbags.
  • Battery – The battery warning light looks like a battery. When lit up in red, it indicates that your car’s battery is dying or that there is a serious problem with the car’s wiring, alternator, or electrical components.
  • Brakes—Your brake warning light might look like an exclamation point in a circle with parentheses. When this light is red, it could mean that your brake pads are damaged or worn, your brake fluid is low, or your car’s anti-lock braking system is malfunctioning.
  • Coolant—The coolant temperature light looks like a thermometer in water. When lit up in red, it indicates that your car’s temperature is too high or that there are low coolant levels in the radiator. It could also be a warning of a leaking or damaged coolant hose, radiator damage, or a broken water pump.
  • Door Open – The door open icon looks like a car with two doors open. It indicates that one or more doors have not been closed properly or completely.
  • Lamps or Lights – The lamp or light warning icon usually looks like an exclamation point inside a lightbulb icon. It indicates that one of your car’s lights or bulbs has burned out or is not functioning properly.
  • Low Fuel – The low fuel icon looks like a gas pump. When it is yellow, it is telling you that you’re close to running out of gas. When it is red, it indicates you are about to run out of gas.
  • Oil Pressure – The low engine oil pressure warning light looks like a can of oil. When it is lit up in red, it could just mean your car needs more oil. It could also indicate an engine leak, worn out or damaged parts, or a broken oil pump.
  • Tire Pressure – The tire pressure indicator usually looks like an exclamation point in parentheses with a bumpy bottom that resembles tire treads. This warning light tells you your tire pressure is wrong, such as under or overinflated tires.
  • Traction and Stability Control – The traction and stability control icon looks like a car with wiggly lines coming out from behind it. When this icon is lit up, it means that you are driving on a roadway that doesn’t offer enough traction or stability. If it turns on when you are on a dry surface, it could indicate a problem with your car’s wheel speed sensor.
  • Transmission – The transmission temperature warning light typically looks like a thermometer inside of a gear shape. If it is lit up in red, it means that you have low transmission fluid levels, transmission damage, or excessive wear and tear on the transmission.
  • Washer Fluid – The washer fluid icon resembles a windshield with water squirting. When it is on, it indicates low levels of windshield wiper fluid.

What Does the Engine Warning Light Mean?

The check engine warning light is one of the most commonly misunderstood and ignored vehicle warning lights. This warning light is in the shape of a car’s engine and may also display an all-caps “CHECK ENGINE” message. The engine warning light is somewhat confusing because it can indicate many different problems affecting your car’s engine. If this light goes on every time you turn on your car and doesn’t turn off while you drive, you should take your car to an automotive repair shop for a diagnostic work-up. There are a few different types of engine warning lights:

Schedule an Inspection or Diagnostic Testing for Your Car

If you need to get your car’s warning lights checked out or aren’t sure what a warning light means, our team at Boyd Motor Werks can help. We are a locally owned and operated automotive service center specializing in BMW and Mini Cooper inspections, maintenance, repairs, and replacement parts. We have over 40 years of experience in the industry, and our knowledgeable, highly skilled auto service technicians can quickly diagnose the underlying problem with your car that is causing the warning lights to go on. Call us today or contact us online to schedule an appointment for an inspection or diagnostic work-up of your car.