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When you invest in an electric vehicle, you are investing not only in your future but in the future of the earth and our environment. Like any other vehicle, an electric vehicle requires regular care and maintenance to extend its lifespan and prevent problems. While electric vehicles may require less maintenance than some other vehicles, ignoring maintenance can lead to costly and dangerous safety and performance issues. At Boyd Motor Werks, we can help you care for and maintain your electric vehicle so that it remains safe and comfortable to drive. Here are some important electric vehicle maintenance tips from our experts.

Electric Vehicle Maintenance

Importance of Regular Maintenance on Electric Vehicles

All of the components of your electric vehicle need to be regularly inspected, maintained, and repaired. All-electric vehicles do require less maintenance than traditional vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and hybrid electric vehicles, but they do still require regular care and attention from an experienced auto mechanic. It’s important to schedule regular inspection and diagnostic testing of your electrical system, including the battery, motor, and electronics. Your vehicle’s braking system will last longer than a traditional braking system, but it still requires maintenance. The most important electric vehicle maintenance elements are:

  • Battery Maintenance—Battery health is crucial to the performance, value, and lifespan of your electric vehicle. Keep an eye on the battery level, and don’t drive too long on a low or undercharged battery. Carefully plan road trips to make sure you can get to an electric vehicle charging station when needed. Do not drive the car for so long that the battery totally depletes.
  • Safety System Maintenance – Your car’s electronic safety systems must also be maintained. Its electrical components should be inspected regularly, and you should stay on top of necessary software updates and diagnostic testing.
  • Temperature Control—Your vehicle’s temperature control plays a big role in its battery range. Stay on top of issues with your temperature control system and use it conservatively to maintain your vehicle’s driving range.

Common Problems With Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are at risk of some problems that do not affect traditional vehicles. Understanding the most common problems with electric vehicles will help you identify early warning signs of an issue that could affect your vehicle’s safety and performance. These are the most common problems with electric cars:

  • Battery Degradation – One of the most common issues with electric cars is that the battery will eventually degrade or wear out over time. Replacing the battery in an electric car is not as simple as replacing a traditional car battery. In some cases, it may end up being more cost-effective to buy a new electric vehicle than to replace the battery. The battery in an electric vehicle decreases in capacity at around 2.3% every year and may degrade faster in extreme heat.
  • Reduced Range – The climate control systems in electric vehicles can sometimes reduce the vehicle’s range. If a car regularly starts at a low temperature, the climate control system has to work so hard to heat the car that it could affect its battery range.
  • Electronics Failure – Another common issue with electric vehicles is the failure of the in-car electronics. Temperature sensors, electronic doors and windows, and heating and cooling systems are all subject to failure.

Do Electric Vehicles Require Less Maintenance?

Your electric vehicle maintenance costs will be lower than traditional vehicle maintenance costs because electric vehicles do require less maintenance. This is because:

  • The vehicle’s electronics, battery, and motor are very low-maintenance and durable.
  • The vehicle requires fewer fluids to perform properly and safely.
  • Regenerative braking systems in electric vehicles protect the brakes from wear and tear.
  • Electric vehicles have fewer complex and moving parts than traditional vehicles.

Tips for Maintaining Your Electric Vehicle at Home

You can do a lot at home to maintain the safety and performance of your electric vehicle. You should also schedule regular check-ups and tune-ups with an auto service technician who is certified to work on electric vehicles, like our team at Boyd Motor Werks. Here are our tips for maintaining your electric vehicle at home:

  • Regularly check the cooling system and wiper fluid.
  • Pay attention to car warning lights and get problems inspected right away.
  • Try to avoid using rapid battery charging stations very often.
  • Don’t overcharge your vehicle’s battery or undercharge its battery – try to keep it between 20-80% when possible.
  • Park your vehicle in a shaded spot, covered parking, or a garage to protect it from the elements.
  • Get your brakes inspected regularly and inspect your brake fluid regularly.
  • Schedule regular tire rotations.
  • Stay on top of necessary software updates, and don’t interrupt an update in progress.
  • Optimize your car’s climate control, and don’t overuse the heating system or air conditioning.

Schedule Electric Vehicle Maintenance Today

If you’re not sure when you last had your electric vehicle inspected or maintained, our team at Boyd Motor Werks can help. Call us or contact us online to schedule electric vehicle maintenance. Our experienced, certified auto technicians have extensive experience inspecting, repairing, and maintaining electric vehicles. We can keep your car functioning safely and properly and protect its value and performance.


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