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Your vehicle’s suspension system consists of tires, springs, and shock absorbers. These components work together to support a smooth ride, improve road handling and safety, and maintain the performance of the vehicle. A problem with your vehicle’s suspension system can cause major safety issues, road hazards, and performance problems. At Boyd Motor Werks, we specialize in inspecting, diagnosing, and repairing problems in BMWs and Mini Coopers. Here is our guide to avoiding common suspension problems with your vehicle and what to do if you notice signs of a suspension issue.

Suspension Repairs in Portland, OR

What Are the Most Common Auto Suspension Problems?

While all vehicles are different, and some may be more susceptible to certain issues, each vehicle’s suspension system is essentially the same. This means that all vehicles are at risk of similar suspension issues over time. Your risk of suspension problems might be higher if you drive your vehicle for hours every day, don’t keep up with routine maintenance, don’t use a certified auto technician for repairs, install after-market or inauthentic parts, regularly drive on rough or bumpy terrain, or have the wrong type of tires installed on your vehicle. The most common suspension problems we see are:

  • Damaged struts, springs, joints, or bearings.
  • Tires that are unbalanced or out of alignment.
  • The wrong tires on your vehicle.
  • Under- or over-inflated tires.
  • Improper wheel alignment.
  • Low or leaking power steering fluid.
  • Damaged or worn-out steering column bushings.
  • Failed power steering pump.

What Are the Warning Signs of Suspension Problems?

Recognizing early warning signs of vehicle suspension problems will ensure your vehicle gets the care and maintenance it needs before the problem gets bigger, more dangerous, and more expensive. Our team of experienced auto repair technicians can run a full diagnostic work-up on your vehicle to determine the underlying cause of your suspension problems. We will then find the safest, fastest, and most effective solution. Watch for these warning signs of suspension problems:

  • Your vehicle pulls to one side while driving.
  • Your vehicle bounces a lot whenever you go over a small bump or speed bump.
  • One side of the vehicle feels or looks lower than the other.
  • The front end of your vehicle dips excessively when you brake.
  • You’re having trouble steering, or the steering wheel feels stiff and hard to control.
  • You feel a rocking motion when your vehicle comes to a stop.
  • Your vehicle rolls to the side when you turn corners.
  • Your vehicle’s tires have uneven tread wear.
  • Your vehicle drifts when you turn or try to stop.
  • The vehicle makes a clunking noise while going over bumps.
  • You hear squeaking when you hit the brakes or turn a corner.
  • You feel vibrations or shaking when going over 25 miles per hour.

What Can You Do to Avoid Car Suspension Problems?

Preventive maintenance, routine check-ups and tune-ups, and diagnostic testing can help you avoid suspension problems or keep them from getting worse. By being proactive about vehicle care and maintenance, you can avoid common car suspension problems. Here are our tips for reducing your risk of suspension issues with your vehicle:

  • Schedule regular check-ups, tune-ups, and diagnostic services for your car.
  • Maintain the power steering fluid levels and the vehicle’s steering system.
  • Only take your vehicle to a certified auto repair technician who will perform repairs and maintenance according to the manufacturer’s standards.
  • Only use certified OEM parts in your vehicle.
  • Avoid driving on rough terrain, off-roading if your vehicle is not equipped for it, and going on long road trips without proper vehicle maintenance.
  • Maintain proper tire rotation and wheel alignment.
  • Only install the proper size and type of tires for your vehicle, and check your tires regularly for tire pressure problems.

Call Today for Solutions to Vehicle Suspension Problems

Call us or contact us online for solutions to vehicle suspension problems. Our experienced auto repair technicians at Boyd Motor Werks will work quickly to identify the underlying cause of your suspension problems and find fast, effective solutions. We have over 40 years of experience in the industry, and our goal is to protect your safety and the value, comfort, and performance of your vehicle. Each of our auto technicians is highly skilled and knowledgeable and keeps up with the latest automotive technology to offer you the highest quality service and repairs.