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Tips to Avoid Costly BMW Cooling System Repair

When you invest in a high-performance vehicle like a BMW, you are committed to doing everything you can to protect your investment. Proper care and maintenance, specifically from a BMW-certified auto repair technician, is crucial to protecting the performance, safety, and value of your vehicle. Ignoring problems will only allow them time to get worse, making them more dangerous and expensive to fix. One of the most common problems with BMWs that occurs due to poor or improper vehicle maintenance is cooling system problems. At Boyd Motor Werks, we specialize in the inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMWs. Our experienced technicians can help you properly care for your vehicle and ensure it maintains its safety, comfort, and value. Here are our tips for avoiding costly BMW cooling system repairs.

BMW Cooling System Repair in Portland, OR

Understanding the Cooling System In a BMW

Understanding your BMW’s cooling system will give you a leg up when trying to diagnose a problem. If you have to make an appointment with a mechanic or certified BMW repair shop, it will help to know what part of the cooling system is damaged or behaving strangely. The core components of your BMW cooling system are:

  • Coolant—The coolant is the heat-absorbing fluid you add to the radiator. It is usually made of mono-ethylene glycol and distilled water.
  • Water Pump – The water pump allows the coolant to circulate through the BMW’s engine block. This helps the engine maintain pressure.
  • Thermostat – The thermostat regulates the temperature of the coolant and warns you of any problems.
  • Radiator – The radiator lowers the coolant temperature and thus the engine temperature using airflow.
  • Heat Management System – The heat management system is a radiator fan that prevents the engine from overheating.
  • Expansion Overflow Tank—The expansion overflow tank regulates the flow and level of coolant in the system.
  • Hoses – Hoses carry the coolant from one place to another.

Common Problems With BMW Engine Cooling Systems

BMWs are high-performance vehicles that are built to last. Their engine cooling systems are very complex and include a lot of intricate moving parts. A problem with one small part can end up causing much bigger safety and performance issues if ignored or misdiagnosed. Our experienced BMW technicians can run a full diagnostic work-up on your BMW and determine the root cause of BMW engine cooling system problems. The most common problems with cooling systems in BMWs are:

  • Coolant Leaks – The hotter it is outside, the harder your BMW’s cooling system has to work to keep the engine at a safe temperature. A coolant leak can prevent enough coolant from circulating to regulate the temperature of the engine safely and effectively. You are much more likely to have your engine overheat if you have a coolant leak.
  • Clogged Cooling Systems – A clogged cooling system is a clog or problem with the hoses that transport coolant throughout the system. When this happens, coolant can’t get where it needs to go, and the engine will overheat.
  • Using the Wrong Type of Coolant – Using the wrong type of coolant can cause major problems with your engine’s cooling system. Your BMW auto technician or your owner’s manual can tell you what type of coolant to use for your car’s engine. You must use the right viscosity, or the coolant won’t be able to do its job properly.
  • Water Pump Failures—The water pump helps coolant circulate properly throughout the engine cooling system. If the pump malfunctions, is old, or is damaged, you will continue to experience issues with your engine overheating.

Preventing Problems In Cooling Systems In a BMW

The best way to prevent BMW cooling system problems is to keep up with regular care and maintenance services for your car. Our BMW auto technicians can inspect your car for signs of engine cooling system problems so that we can repair them or replace parts before the issue gets worse. We can also run diagnostic testing to determine the underlying reason why your BMW’s engine keeps overheating. Our team will make sure you are using the proper coolant for your BMW, provide radiator service and cooling system service, and make sure that all of the engine cooling system components are functioning properly and safely.

Schedule BMW Repairs or a Diagnostic Inspection

If you’re experiencing issues with your BMW engine overheating, our team at Boyd Motor Werks can help. Our state-of-the-art auto maintenance and repair facility includes all the tools, equipment, and diagnostic measures we need to protect the safety and value of your BMW. We specialize in the repair, maintenance, and inspections of BMWs and Mini Coopers, and we carry OEM replacement parts in our shop. Scheduling routine inspections and BMW maintenance will extend the lifespan of your vehicle and reduce your risk of problems with your BMW’s engine cooling system. Call us today or contact us online to make an appointment.